Monday, September 14, 2009

An Introduction

Hello. My name is Nishant Philip. I come from India.
Hallo. Mein name ist Nishant Philip. Ich komme aus Indien.

Okay. I’m sorry. It’s just that I’ve just started a German language class with Inlingua, and learning a foreign language is pretty exciting. So I just had to do that (introduce myself in German).

Now before I start a whirlwind of blogging, I’d like for the readers to know how exactly this blog came about. For the past three years I’ve been a student in the field of hospitality at the Institute of Hotel Management in Mumbai. Thereafter I was selected, by process of campus placement, in the Taj Management Training Program which was due to commence on 3rd August 2009. However, due to certain unforeseen circumstances the program got delayed and was rescheduled for December 2009.

Although my reaction to the deferment of the Training program was markedly one of discontentment, this view changed completely within time. I received some excellent suggestions from the Training Department of the Taj, which listed pursuits like working for an NGO and learning a foreign language among other things. That is what sparked my association with Saathi and Inheritance India Land Conservation Company Limited.

Comments and suggestion for all forthcoming posts are welcome (in fact they are much needed).



  1. Hey Buddy, You doing super awsome job, if there is NEthing that i can help u out with pls buzz me out on it. Thanx Bro!!!
    Leon Lewis

  2. that is really nice. Blogs often take time and lot of effort to get out there.
    I have been on it since a while, but still havent got around a lot of things.
    So what exactly does the NGO do?

  3. Nishant one comes across so many negative blogs lamenting missed opportunities, delayed rewards, et al.

    Yours is so refreshingly different. Bravo!

    Please keep writing and bolster the spirits of the rest of us.

  4. Thank you so much Deep! Am glad you like it. Hope to read from you soon too...Its been quite some time since you last wrote....

    eagerly waiting,
